Iowa Section Bylaws

Adopted 2017

Article I—Name and Purpose 

Section 1. The name of this Section shall be the Iowa Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). 

Section 2. The purposes of the Iowa Section shall be to advance the mission of the MAA on a regional level (namely within the territory defined in Article II below); to offer guidance to the MAA as it forms and fulfills its mission; to provide professional development and networking activities for Section members and mathematics students in geographically accessible locations; and to promote discussion and action on issues affecting mathematics teaching, learning, and research in the region. 

Article II—Membership 

The membership of the Iowa Section shall be members of the Mathematical Association of America whose MAA mailing addresses are in Iowa, postal codes 50000-52899. Exceptions may be made by the MAA Secretary upon request of the affected member. 

Article III—Officers 

Section 1. The officers of this Section shall be distinct Section members occupying the offices of Chair, Vice-Chair, Vice-Chair Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. 

Section 2. The executive committee of the Section shall consist of the officers of the Section and the Section Representative to the MAA Congress, and the following (non-voting): Past Chair, Information Director, Competition Coordinator, and Liaison Coordinator.

Section 3. Each member of the executive committee must be a member of the Mathematical Association of America and of this Section. 

Section 4. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall assume office upon adjournment of this meeting. The Vice-Chair Elect shall be elected annually and automatically shall become the Vice-Chair the following year for a term of one year. Similarly, the Vice-Chair shall become Chair after one year for a term of one year. The Chair cannot immediately be elected as Vice-Chair Elect after the term as Chair. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected for staggered terms of three years and may serve for at most two consecutive terms. 

Section 5. The Information Director, Competition Coordinator, and Liaison Coordinator shall be appointed by the Chair with Executive Committee oversight. The Information Director shall serve for a term of five years, and can be reappointed for consecutive terms. In the last year of an Information Director’s term, the new Information Director is appointed and shall serve as an assistant Information Director for the final year of the outgoing Information Director’s term. The Competition Coordinator shall serve for a term of five years, and can be reappointed for consecutive terms. In the last year of a Competition Coordinator’s term, the new Competition Coordinator is appointed and shall serve as an assistant Competition Coordinator for the final year of the outgoing Competition Coordinator’s term. The Liaison Coordinator shall serve for a term of five years, and can be reappointed for consecutive terms. 

Section 6. The nomination procedure for Section officers shall be a slate of officers nominated by a committee of three persons appointed by the Chair. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at the annual meeting.

Section 7. The duties of the Members of the Executive Committee shall be: 

(a) The Chair shall preside at each meeting of the Section and of the Executive Committee of the Section. The Chair, in consultation with the other officers, shall appoint the Information Director, Competition Coordinator, and Liaison Coordinator. In making these appointments, every effort will be made to avoid implicit bias and to reflect the diversity of the Section.

(b) The Vice-Chair shall be the Program Chair and be responsible for organizing the program for each Section meeting. 

(c) The Vice-Chair Elect shall either host the Section meeting(s) at his or her home institution and be responsible for all local arrangements, or find another location for the Section meeting(s), and work closely with a local arrangements chair there.

(d) The Secretary shall keep minutes of the annual Section business meeting and of meetings of the Executive Committee, preserve records of the Section, notify members of all regular and special meetings, notify members of the executive committee of meetings of that group, handle the Section correspondence, manage registration for the annual meeting, and submit annual Section and Meeting reports to the Committee on Sections.

(e) The Treasurer shall receive all money paid into the Section and deposit such money in a bank to the account of the Section, pay all bills of the Section out of the Section funds, organize a book sale to be held at the annual meeting, send the required annual financial report to the national office, arrange for safekeeping of all Section monies, and maintain proper and accurate books of account of such monies. 

(f) The Information Director shall gather information suitable for the Section's newsletter, publish a fall and spring Section newsletter, notify appropriate media outlets about Section activities, and keep the Section's website up-to-date. 

(g) The Competition Coordinator shall be responsible for organizing (set date and location(s), work closely with local organizer) the annual competition, work closely with a problem writer to ensure error-free competition problems and solutions, and manage team registration and supervise grading of the results.

(h) The Liaison Coordinator shall be responsible for passing on to all Section liaisons messages intended for all Section members.

(i) The Section Representative to the MAA Congress shall be responsible for duties as described in the bylaws of the Congress.

(j) The Past Chair shall be responsible for attending Executive Committee meetings and sharing wisdom accumulated by the experiences of serving in the offices of Vice-Chair Elect, Vice-Chair and Chair.

Section 8. The executive committee shall conduct the affairs of the Section between meetings of the Section membership. The executive committee requires four (4) members for a quorum. 

Section 9. If a vacancy on the executive committee, other than the Section Representative to Congress, should occur, the remaining officers shall fill the vacancy by appointing a member of the Section to serve until the next meeting when an election can be held.

Section 10. The Executive Committee will provide a Section representative to Section officer meetings at MathFest and the Joint Meetings. One of the Chair, Vice-Chair, or Vice-Chair Elect should serve as the Section representative. If none of those officers are able to serve as Section representative, the Executive Committee will designate a Section representative. 

Article IV—Meetings 

Section 1. The Section normally shall hold at least one program meeting each year and an annual business meeting as part of the program meeting. 

Section 2. Program meetings shall be planned by the Vice-Chair in coordination with the Vice-Chair Elect. 

Section 3. Additional program meetings may be organized if a proposal is presented to and approved by the executive committee. 

Section 4. The annual business meeting shall be planned by the Section chair. Elections are held at the annual business meeting as well as the presentation of any Section awards. 

Section 5. The quorum for a business meeting shall consist of not fewer than fifteen (15) members of the Section and no business may be validly transacted at business meetings where less than a quorum is present.

Section 6. A special business meeting shall be called by the Executive Committee or upon the petition of ten (10) members of the Section. The time and place of any special meeting shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 7. Each member of the Section shall be notified by the secretary at least twenty (20) days in advance of any program or business meeting of the Section.

Article V—Fees and Use of Assets 

Section 1. The Executive Committee of the Section shall set the registration fee for the annual meeting. 

Section 2. The Section will use funds to support representation (as described in Article III, Section 8) at Section officer meetings at MathFest and the Joint Meetings. 

Section 3. The author of questions for the ICMC will be paid a writing fee out of the competition fund.

Section 4. The assets of the Section shall be used exclusively to further the purposes of the Section, and in the event of the dissolution of the Section, the remaining assets will be returned to the national organization to be used for a purpose consistent with the purposes of the Association.

Article VI—Committees 

In the composition of all committees, the Section follows the recommendation of the MAA policy document on Avoiding Implicit Bias in order to reflect the diversity of the Association. Unless otherwise noted, committees consist of three (3) persons.

Section 1. A nomination committee, appointed by the Chair, shall nominate a slate of officers for each election. An auditing committee, appointed by the Chair, shall audit the Treasurer's books annually. A teaching award committee, appointed by the Chair, shall review nominations and select the recipient of the Section Teaching Award. A Section NExT steering committee, elected at the annual Section NExT pre-meeting, shall plan the next year’s Section NExT pre-meeting and handle any business required of Section NExT. 

Section 2. The Chair may appoint such other committees as required, or as the members of the Iowa Section present at any properly called meeting may direct. 

Article VII—Amendments to Bylaws

Section 1. Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by the Section executive committee. 

Section 2. Subject to subsequent approval by the Board of Directors of the Mathematical Association of America, these bylaws may be amended by 2/3 of the votes cast by a quorum at a business meeting of the Section.

Section 3. The secretary of the Section shall notify each member of the Section of any proposed amendment(s) at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting at which voting on the proposed amendment(s) takes place.

Section 4. A complete revision of these bylaws shall be subject to all of the same procedures required for other amendments to these bylaws.